ASPIRE - Design Duos: House Of Rolison
In the fall issue of aspire design and home we delve into the world of DESIGN DUOS, examining their synergy, successful collaborations and the unique dynamics that make their (personal and professional) partnerships thrive.
House Of Rolison | Design
Founding Partners: Taylor Hahn & Amanda Leigh
How and when did you meet?
We met in February 2020 on Hinge. We met in San Francisco. Amanda was there on a work trip, Taylor was living in Berkeley at the time.
How long have you been in business together?
We have been in a relationship for 4.5 years and working together on House of Rolison for a little over two years.
Photo by Nils Timm.
This or that…
Are you a morning person or nocturnal?
Amanda: Neither, definitely a mid-day kind of girl!
Taylor: Morning.
Do you prefer phone calls or Zoom/video?
Amanda: Phone, as we’re always on the move.
Taylor: Phone calls are much easier when we’re on site daily.
Photo by Gavin Cater.
Is your office neat and organized or messy/creatively cluttered?
Amanda: “Creatively cluttered” is a nice way to put it.
Taylor: I definitely like things in their place, but it hardly stays that way for long.
Are you a social butterfly or do you prefer the comforts of home?
Amanda: Social butterfly in my home. I prefer to invite people to ours for drinks and dinner than to go to a noisy bar.
Taylor: Definitely a mix! I love our home, but I like to be out and about and part of the world as much as I can be!
Photo by Nils Timm.
My favorite period in design is…
Amanda: Neoclassical.
Taylor: The postmodern era is all about anti-formalism, which I love. Either that or organic design.
I am creatively inspired by…
Amanda: I’m creatively inspired by architecture in its intended form, and the original reasons behind them. Also how much furniture creates movement and texture in spaces. The style of furnishing can create so much variation.
Taylor: Many things! But mostly by nature’s forms and processes and how to integrate those into a living environment .
Photo by Gavin Cater.
The best part of working together is…
Amanda: Getting to spend time together and be creative together.
Taylor: As we decide on what projects we’re going to take on and the volume of projects we’re going to do, we have the privilege to make those decisions together and bear the fruits of our labors together.
Click here to see more from our Design Duos series.
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